Monday, June 19, 2006

Change is in the hair

I was trying to figure out who the new guy playing guitar was. Then i saw the goatee... Graham?!?! I just saw him on wed at bats, with the same hair he's had for... seemingly forever (although logically speaking, he did go to army and his hair must have been short then). the jury's out on his new look, skin dog loves it, i think it looks mat rocker (its the goatee). but mostly i think i'm in shock, timing was most unexpected, graham's hair is like an unchangable law of the universe, like gravity. this is kinda like what E=mc2 was to the physics world, nothing short of revolutionary! ok, so i'm exaggerating a little.

but wait till you get a load of pgp. he DID dreadlock his hair afterall. i can't quite figure out what my mum thinks of it, she may not be reacting violently because she seems assured that the school is going to make him cut it, since he has long ceased to be under her control. what i'd really like to see is the reaction he's gonna get in church next sunday. (and remember folks, you heard it here first!) at dinner, there was this little girl at the next table who stared at him in slack-jawed wonder (or was it bewilderment or amusement or admiration?). then she self-consciously started twirling her own hair. hoot! i'm amused.

such dramatic change is in the air; the air, it is thick with portentuous syrup (or possibly hair gel). makes me wanna do something crazy with my hair as well.

wishlist: photo with darren and graham. autographed.


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